Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi Tes Kepekaan Kuman Terhadap Antibiotika Metoda Cakram Urin Kasus Infeksi Saluran Kencing

Tahun 1999 Volume 34 Nomor 4
Oleh : Subakir

Latar belakang: Uji kepekaan kuman terhadap antibiotika, merupakan panduan dalam pernilihan antibiotika untuk pengobatan penyakit infeksi oleh kuman. Yang menjadi kendala adalah diperlukan waktu inkubasi 24 jam, padahal pengobatan penyakit infeksi harus cepat dan tepat. Dalarn grafik pertumbuhan kuman, 2jam pertama adalah fase penyesuaian, kern udian diikutifase logaritmis, puncaknya 24 jam, di mana kuman melakukan belah pasang setiap 20 menu.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hasil uji kepekaan kuman dapat dinilai lebih awal.
Desain: Observasional.
Tempat: Bagian Mikrobiologi FK UNDIP — PSUP Dr . Kariadi Semarang.
Sampel: 42 urin ISK, dengan kuman penyebab E. coli, E. aerogenes, S. aureus, uji kepekaan metode cakrarn terhadap gentamisin (CNJO), sefotaksim (CTX3O), asarn nalidisat (NA3O), nitrofurantoin (F300), dinilai hasilnya pada inkubasi 4 jam, 6 jam, 24 jam, dan 48 jam.
Anailsis: Diameter zona harnbatan diukur dan dibandingkan (t test) serta sensitif-resisten kuman terhadap antibiotika (dengan Kai kwadrat).
Hasil : Pada E. coli dan E. aerobacter hasil inkubasi 6jam tidak berbeda bermakna terhadap hasil inkubasi 24 jam p>O.O hal yang sarna pada inkubasi 48 jam, hasilnya tidak berbeda berrnakna p>0.O5 Pada S. aureus hasil inkubasi 4 jam dan 6jam belum nampak tumbuh, sedang hasil inkubasi 48 jam tidak berbeda bermakna terhadap hasil inkubasi 48 jam. p>0. 05.
Kesimpulan: Tes kepekaan kuman gram negatif (E. coli, E. aerogenes) metoda cakram, dapat dinilai lebih cepat atau waktu inkubasi 6jam sudah cukup, sedang pada kuman gram positif’ (S. aureus) tidak, dan pada inkubasi 48 jam hasilnya tidak berbeda bermakna dengan hasil inkubasi 24 jam p>O,OS.

Background: The antimicrobial susceptibility test is intended to be a guide for the clinician to select the appropriate antibiotics agents. There is a constraint in performing the test, while the treatment very often is urge and must be prompt. The inoculum usually should be incubated for at least 4 to 6 hours when growth is considered to be in logarithmic phase. In the bacterial growth cycle, the first hours is lag phase, then followed by logarithmic phase occurs for several hours represent the peak of growth activity as long as 24 hours, in which bacteria multiply by binary fission in every 20 minutes.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine weather any d between 4 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours in
incubation period required when tested against disk antibiotics.
Design: Observational case study.
Settng: Microbiology laboratory Medical Faculty Diponegoro University — Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang.
Sample: The sample sire are 42 patients who suffering of UTI particularly those caused by Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli. E. aerogenes) and Gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus). All strains are tested against gent amicine (CNIO), cefota.xime (CTX3O), nalidixic acid (NA3O) and nitrofurantoin (F300) in different incubation periods . 4 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours respectively.
Analysis: Measure and compare the diameter of inhibition zones (t test) and categorized bacteria into susceptible (sensitive or resistant according to the NCCLS criteria (chi test).
Result: In E. coli, E. aerogenes there were not statically difference (p>O, 05) between incubation period of 6 hours as 24 hours, while in S. aureus did not give satisfactory result when incubated in 4 hours or 6 hours, and prolonged incubation period of 48 hours were not statically significant (p>O,O5)
Conclusion: Antimicrobial susceptibility tests for Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli, E. aerogenes) needed shorter incubation period compared with Gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus), correspondingly there were not significant difference between 24 hours or 48 hours of incubation period.